Friday, April 25, 2008

A child's cry for freedom in Dakar's streets

If you want to understand a little of the work we have ahead of us in Dakar you can get a glimpse of it by reading the following article.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


We went on our first Safari here in West Africa. It was a lot of fun but really hot! Enjoy the pics.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

In the Life of the Baggotts

Today the sand is starting to fade away. When I say the sand I am talking about the sand storm that we just went through. I am not sure it is really a sand storm we have just had a few days where the air was filled with sand. For the first couple of days we had to close our windows so the sand wouldn't come in as much. Our white house is now tan! Our house help and guard have been working really hard to clean up from those sand days. The kids didn't mind it was just more sand for them to play in . I guess that is why when you see pictures of people living in or near the desert they most always have their heads covered in some kind of cloth. Well - I am sure it is because of their religions practices as well. Praise God there is a blue sky today. This is a wonderful place to live. We are so thankful of our first assignment being here in Senegal. The other missionaries Mark and Linda Louw and Tim and Michelle Eby have been a wonderful blessing to us since we have arrived. The Nazarene church here is also a wonderful place to worship (of course it is all in French). Spencer and I are starting back into our language school this week. Because of the way life is here we had a lot to do to get settled in. Please pray for us as we are working on getting our temporary visa. We are in the process of finishing it and seems to take a while to get everything together. Spencer is taking his first trip at the end of this month. He will be traveling with other leaders on the field and will be gone from about April 21st to the 29th. They will be going to Ghana. i am excited because I have heard that you can get a couple of American like products there. Okay I will give some news about the kids on the next couple of blogs.
The picture at the top of the blog is Dakar First Church of the Nazarene

We love a appreciate all your prayers, the Baggotts

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A day in Senegal

Okay we are hoping to get this blog spot going as soon as possible. Our last website turned out to be more trouble than we wanted. we go. Let's see how this one works.